Given below are some of the corporate policies applicable to all employees and Directors of Teejay Group. In addition to the above, some clauses of conflict of interest and Anti-corruption policy applies to persons or entities dealing with Teejay Group as suppliers of goods & services and to persons who are not employees or entities who are authorized to act on behalf of the company.

In terms of rule 9.2.1 of the listing rules of the Colombo Stok Exchange, the Company has implemented the policies listed beloe in compliance with the said rule and details of the existence of the said policies are found herein.

(a)   Policy on the matters relating to the Board of Directors

(b)   Policy on Board Committees

(c)   Policy on Corporate Governance, Nominations and Re-election

(d)   Policy on Remuneration

(e)   Policy on Internal Code of Business conduct and Ethics for all Directors and employees,
including policies on trading in the Entity’s listed securities

(f)   Policy on Risk management and Internal controls

(g)   Policy on Relations with Shareholders and Investors

(h)   Policy on Environmental, Social and Governance Sustainability

(i)   Policy on Control and Management of Company Assets and Shareholder Investments

(j)   Policy on Corporate Disclosures


** The abovenamed policies will be made available to the investors on written request being made to the
Company Secretary or by email to the Company (info@teejay.com) .

Employees and others are encouraged to report violations of these policies to the CEO in confidence.






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